We found 147 actual water levels for 'South Fork'.


Station Water bodyWater levelFlowMap
Above Buffalo Bill Reservoir South Fork Shoshone 4.568712 ft 246.041 cfs
Above Carrier Mills South Fork Saline 4.328944 ft 354.765 cfs
Above Cougar Dam South Fork Mckenzie 6.2484 ft 1369.287 cfs
Above Dixie Creek South Fork Humboldt 3.109112 ft 115.784 cfs
Above Hopkinsville South Fork Little 3.469256 ft
Above Pinehurst South Fork Coeur D'alene 89.86708 ft 846.494 cfs
Above Santa Fe South Fork Salt 4.778632 ft 50.832 cfs
Above Seaside South Fork Necanicum 3.568968 ft 163.086 cfs
Above Senecaville Lake South Fork 10.6272 ft
Above Springfield South Fork Edisto 11.916896 ft 332.879 cfs
Above Ten Mile Creek South Fork Humboldt 5.09876 ft 132.022 cfs
Above Verlot South Fork Stillaguamish 971.451376 ft
Atlanta South Fork Peachtree Creek 3.528952 ft 17.65 cfs
Bells 2sw South Fork Forked Deer River 13.466696 ft 5227.93 cfs
Below Anderson Ranch Dam South Fork Boise 2.959216 ft 294.755 cfs
Below Cougar Dam South Fork Mckenzie 2.939208 ft 1669.337 cfs
Below Macfarlan South Fork Hughes 12.046784 ft 2299.089 cfs
Below Monetta South Fork Edisto 4.708768 ft
Below Rochester - Aux South Fork Sangamon 6.828304 ft
Big Stone Gap South Fork Powell 4.358792 ft
Boone Dam - Johnson City South Fork Holston River 1371.908544 ft
Booneville South Fork Kentucky 7.158272 ft 1559.201 cfs
Brandywine South Fork South Branch Potomac 1.66952 ft 34.947 cfs
Buckeye Lake Near Watkins Island South Fork Licking 889.412344 ft 0 cfs
Clarkston South Fork Peachtree Creek 3.209152 ft 1.765 cfs
Clinton South Fork Of Little Red 4.598888 ft 70.953 cfs
Cosmos South Fork Crow River 8.277736 ft 34.947 cfs
Curtis South Fork Chehalis Rver 207.636792 ft
Cynthiana South Fork Licking 5.788544 ft 659.757 cfs
Delano South Fork Crow 7.627968 ft 424.659 cfs
Fort Patrick Henry Dam South Fork Holston River 1259.9874 ft
Front Royal South Fork Shenandoah 1.679688 ft 926.625 cfs
Hayes South Fork Licking 8.827792 ft 5667.768 cfs
Hopkinsville - Bypass South Fork Little 7.968104 ft 134.846 cfs
Hopkinsville Hwy 68 80 South Fork Little River 5.388712 ft 47.655 cfs
Hutchinson South Fork Crow River 33.281504 ft 88.603 cfs
Hwy 79 South Fork Grand 2572.641104 ft
Interstate 70 Near Buckeye Lake South Fork Licking 874.106224 ft
Jackson South Fork Forked Deer 30.872016 ft 1999.039 cfs
Jones Bar South Fork Yuba 9.247632 ft 2958.846 cfs
Jordan Rd. Bridge South Fork Stillaguamish 7.248144 ft 3128.639 cfs
Kansas South Fork Republican 14sw St Francis 3.909104 ft 7.413 cfs
Kingsport South Fork Holston River 5.848568 ft
Kirkersville South Fork Licking 5.52844 ft 247.806 cfs
Krassel Ranger Station South Fork Salmon 3.419072 ft 669.641 cfs
Kurtz South Fork Salt Creek 5.1086 ft 206.858 cfs
Leatherwood Ford Big South Fork Cumberland Near Oneida 7.797872 ft 1839.13 cfs
Lowell South Fork Catawba 2.899192 ft 537.619 cfs
Lowman South Fork Payette 4.038992 ft 912.505 cfs
Luray South Fork Shenandoah 2.539376 ft 741.653 cfs
Madelia 3sw South Fork Watonwan River 991.00608 ft 62.834 cfs
Millersville South Fork Jabez Branch 3.319032 ft 0.353 cfs
Millersville, Md South Fork Jabez Branch 3.319032 ft 0 cfs
Near Alden Hwy D20--Ifc South Fork Iowa 1125.271896 ft
Near Alto Eagle Creek Below South Fork 6.058488 ft 0.353 cfs
Near Arlee South Fork Jocko 1.519624 ft 34.594 cfs
Near Audubon Park South Fork Beargrass Creek 3.079264 ft 62.834 cfs
Near Augusta South Fork Sun 1.469768 ft 141.906 cfs
Near Bamberg South Fork Edisto 9.647464 ft 975.692 cfs
Near Blairsburg South Fork Iowa 4.598888 ft 3.883 cfs
Near Blairsburg [Downstream] South Fork Iowa 4.67892 ft
Near Buckeye H Ave--Ifc South Fork Iowa 1090.850592 ft
Near Buckeye Hwy S27--Ifc South Fork Iowa 1102.967568 ft
Near Carnation South Fork Tolt 2.209408 ft 93.898 cfs
Near Cholollo South Fork Tule 3.409232 ft 71.306 cfs
Near Columbia Falls South Fork Flathead 4.088848 ft 855.672 cfs
Near Cope South Fork Edisto 8.54768 ft 853.554 cfs
Near Cottonwood South Fork Bad 3.778888 ft 0 cfs
Near Damascus South Fork Holston 3.189144 ft 250.983 cfs
Near Denmark South Fork Edisto 5.978456 ft 986.635 cfs
Near Ely South Fork Kawishiwi 2.339296 ft 158.85 cfs
Near Ewing South Fork Elkhorn 3.379056 ft 45.184 cfs
Near Garcia South Fork Snoqualmie Near South Fork Snoqualmie R 11.646952 ft 475.844 cfs
Near Granite Falls South Fork Stillaguamish 5.72852 ft 1299.393 cfs
Near Greenfield South Fork Obion 9.137752 ft 1019.464 cfs
Near Halls South Fork Forked Deer 1.299536 ft 1609.327 cfs
Near Heath South Fork Licking 6.23856 ft 306.757 cfs
Near Hebron South Fork Licking 4.398808 ft 300.756 cfs
Near Henry Fork South Fork Catawba 1.539632 ft 93.192 cfs
Near Hooper, Utah South Fork Weber 5.868576 ft 512.909 cfs
Near Houston South Fork Root 2.049344 ft 157.791 cfs
Near Hungry Horse South Fork Flathead Above Twin Creek 7.627968 ft 3338.674 cfs
Near Huntsville South Fork Ogden 2.309448 ft 181.795 cfs
Near Hyampom South Fork Trinity 9.597608 ft 6157.379 cfs
Near Independent Hill South Fork Quantico Creek 2.989392 ft 2.118 cfs
Near Index South Fork Tolt 1.519624 ft 47.655 cfs
Near Kellogg South Fork Coeur D'alene 26.543072 ft 786.837 cfs
Near Laboratory South Fork Catawba 2.549216 ft 114.019 cfs
Near Lafayette South Fork Wildcat Creek 3.709024 ft 417.952 cfs
Near Leal South Fork Of Williams Fork 2.369472 ft 7.413 cfs
Near Leggett 1nw South Fork Eel 10.7174 ft 2808.821 cfs
Near Lester Prairie 1se South Fork Crow 34.911008 ft 121.785 cfs
Near Lynnwood South Fork Shenandoah 2.879184 ft 529.853 cfs
Near Mayer South Fork Crow 3.089104 ft 330.761 cfs
Near Milbank South Fork Whetstone 1104.327128 ft 10.59 cfs
Near Miranda South Fork Eel 12.28688 ft 5827.677 cfs
Near New Providence South Fork Iowa 3.099272 ft 97.075 cfs
Near Ophir South Fork San Miguel 1.619664 ft 29.299 cfs
Near Oronoco 4se South Fork Zumbro 31.721864 ft
Near Owl City South Fork Forked Deer 14.46644 ft 1519.312 cfs
Near Parrish South Fork Little Manatee 12.266872 ft 1.412 cfs
Near Penney Farms South Fork Black Creek 1.909616 ft 87.191 cfs
Near Pinehurst South Fork Coeur D'alene 9.147592 ft 1409.529 cfs
Near Promise City South Fork Chariton 3.169136 ft 12.002 cfs
Near Prospect South Fork Rogue 10.187352 ft 428.895 cfs
Near Quinlan South Fork Sabine 6.338272 ft 39.183 cfs
Near Rainbow Mckenzie Above South Fork, 10.367424 ft 1439.534 cfs
Near Rexburg South Fork Teton 5.82856 ft 301.815 cfs
Near Rochester South Fork Sangamon 7.527928 ft 153.908 cfs
Near Rochester 5sw South Fork Zumbro 82.398848 ft 183.913 cfs
Near Roosevelt South Fork Parker Creek 1.209664 ft 0 cfs
Near Saxon Bridge South Fork Nooksack 2.339296 ft 1299.393 cfs
Near Scotland South Fork Of Little Red 1.999488 ft 48.008 cfs
Near Sf Moorefield South Fork South Branch Potomac 3.079264 ft 99.899 cfs
Near Shawsville South Fork Roanoke 0.7298 ft 59.304 cfs
Near Springfield 1n South Fork Dry Sac 1.209664 ft 4.942 cfs
Near Stearns South Fork Cumberland 5.278504 ft 1549.317 cfs
Near The Sea Ranch South Fork Gualala 9.017704 ft 1049.469 cfs
Near Union South Fork Skokomish 1.729544 ft 1179.373 cfs
Near Wahiawa South Fork Kaukonahua 1.279528 ft 1.059 cfs
Near Waterford South Fork Catoctin Creek 0.879696 ft 8.825 cfs
Near Whitesville South Fork Panther Creek 8.927832 ft 319.818 cfs
Near Wildwood South Fork Chehalis Rver 357.638408 ft 218.86 cfs
Near Wimauma South Fork Little Manatee 8.94784 ft 11.649 cfs
Nr Howe South Fork Cowikee Creek 13.94656 ft 248.865 cfs
Nr Riverside South Fork Malheur 9.26764 ft 353.706 cfs
Onalaska South Fork Newaukum River 534.813184 ft 230.862 cfs
Oneida South Fork Kentucky 8.297744 ft 356.883 cfs
Pine (Near Featherville) South Fork Boise 2.859176 ft 885.677 cfs
Placerville - Chili Bar South Fork American 4.908848 ft 2389.104 cfs
Pratt South Fork Ninnescah 2.449504 ft 7.06 cfs
Pullman South Fork Palouse 2.07952 ft 75.895 cfs
Riverside South Fork Malheur River 9.26764 ft 353.706 cfs
Riverside Nr Chilhowie South Fork Holston 2.109368 ft 60.716 cfs
Rochester South Fork Zumbro 3.349208 ft 247.806 cfs
Rochester Beltline South Fork Zumbro 11.24712 ft 136.964 cfs
Saddle South Fork Spring 2.859176 ft 228.038 cfs
S Fk Tolt Reservoir South Fork Tolt 1761.558768 ft
Skykomish South Fork Skykomish 19.954864 ft 2528.892 cfs
Smithfield South Fork Fishing Creek 3.599144 ft 241.805 cfs
South Fork South Fork Rio Grande 2.119536 ft 127.786 cfs
South Holston Dam South Fork Holston River 1718.10992 ft
Sr 1100 Near Brownwood South Fork New 4.188888 ft
Stites South Fork Clearwater 4.668752 ft 2039.281 cfs
Sultan South Fork Sultan River 9.437544 ft 127.08 cfs
Wallace South Fork Coeur D'alene 13.716632 ft 420.776 cfs
Wawona South Fork Merced River 4.018984 ft 383.711 cfs